Taxes are due when you receive your tax statement. Tax collections begin around October 1 and taxpayers have until January 31 of the following year to pay their taxes. On February 1, penalty and interest charges begin accumulating on unpaid tax bills.
In order to qualify for a homestead exemption you must own the home as well as the home being your primary residence. You must accompany your application with a copy of your drivers license. The address on your drivers license must match the physical address of the home in which you are applying for.
In the top right hand corner of this websit you will find "Services." From there you can select "Interactive Map." You will be prompted to check the disclaimer and accept. From there you should find in the top left hand corner a search bar. Click the drop down arrow and select "Parcel ID," enter your parcel ID and search.
Texas Property Tax Code Sec. 1.086 (a-6) allows taxpayers to request to receive their appraisal notices and other communications electronically.
To request electronic communication, please fill out form 50-843 available under Services/Forms on our website or by following this link.
Forms may be mailed to :
Houston CAD
P.O. Box 112
Crockett, TX 75835
or emailed to: